
EMC uses the Internet to communicate information about promotions, company offerings, product updates and more. It is a valuable dialogue between a prospective or current customer and a company. EMC is most effective when the recipients are targeted and the information is relevant and timely.

EMC is more cost effective, and achieves results faster than traditional direct mail marketing. Most importantly, email marketing is twice as effective as traditional direct mail in getting a response from the targeted audience. This may be because of its immediate call-to-action, through “buy now” or “sign up now” links that can be directly embedded in the message. It is ideal for anyone looking to increase revenue, boost sales, generate leads, build brand awareness or shorten sale cycles.

NO... We Not Offer Any Kind Of Bullk Email List or Database

EMC estimates that in 2013 there are 216.6 million email users, representing 89% of total internet users. Given the low cost and high impact value of email marketing, there are no businesses that would not benefit from tapping this market.

Start your email campaign with existing customers and grow your contact list by encouraging recipients to forward your message to others. Include a subscribe button on your Website and ask prospective customers if you can send your newsletter to them. Make sure your collateral includes a reference to your newsletter and consider running a promotion or give away to generate interest. Your list will grow faster than you would have believed.

EMC is hosted at multiple secured sites. Our hosting providers have state of the art network operation centers providing full security, firewalling, backup, and multi tier, redundant high speed network connections. Our Privacy Policy strictly precludes us from providing personal data to any third party.

Yes. Most email Newsletter software systems allow you to ‘Export’ or download your current contact lists which you can then easily “Bulk Upload” to your EMC account in a CSV format. If you have your contacts in an excel format you can just “Save As” and change the file type to “CSV (Comma delimited)” and then “Bulk Upload the file into EMC via the “Contacts” menu.

You will have full access to the online section from within your EMC account including the facility for submitting support questions which will be responded to ASAP. Alternatively you can use our live chat to request more information on our services or if you have any general enquiries.

No additional software is required as this online email marketing product can be accessed from any Internet connected device using a standard browser such as google chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari etc. It is recommended to be using the latest version of your preferred browser to ensure compatibility.

EMC has been developed to be easy to use and will not require any special knowledge of HTML to create and send your first email Newsletter. The inbuilt WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor is no different than what you would be used to when sending a normal email or using a word processor (such as MS Word) with all the usual editing features such as changing Font, colour’s or making text Bold and italic etc.

You can immediately start using the inbuilt templates (Click & Replace Templates) or for advanced users, the option is available to ‘Copy & Paste’ your existing HTML code created in such products as Dream Weaver, Frontpage or any other similar product and directly in the WYSIWYG editor (Change to HTML view first).

One you have created your first email Newsletter you can then reuse this as a template for future email Newsletter campaigns by using the “Save as New’ feature

A Website is not required to use this Email Newsletter service. Your images and documents (Such as PDF Brochures) can be uploaded to your account within EMC and be accessed by your potential clients. We recommend to have website to add website link in email newsletter to read more details there.

Yes, you can have your messages provide social updates on your twitter,facebook and linkedin account when sending your messages. These can be sent instantly with the message or at a scheduled later time. You have to add social media icons manually, you can also add facebook “Likes’ to your messages to increase traffic and market visibility.

The Campaign Statistics reports provide you with a wealth of information about the performance of your campaigns, and tools to manage and improve that performance over time. There is a lot of information contained within the Email Campaign Statistics and the following is a brief guide to what’s available, and what it all means.

No. Payment is not required when signing up for the free demo account

Once you have registered your demo account, you will get an email with access details to your registered email id. In doing so you agree to our Terms and Conditions and agree to get EMC services as per CAN SPAM Act


In EMC , images are not embedded in the email. Newsletters have code that points to the images, which either reside in your EMC pictures folder or on another website, according to your preference. When a recipient opens the email, the newsletter calls the image externally, and it is downloaded to the recipient’s computer. If the recipient is not online, they will see a broken link.

Unfortunately, no email service can guarantee 100% delivery. People change email addresses when they move or leave jobs, auto responders are set up when people are on vacation and spam filters trap messages before they arrive based on key words and phrases in the content. Industry averages for delivery rates are 30-40% for business to business newsletters and 10-15% for consumer newsletters according to our customers. Your message content and your relationship with your list (whether or not they white listed you in their email client) also have a lot to do with successful delivery. With EMC, you are able to see exactly who has opened which email over time and work on improving your open rates. Without a similar tool, you never have any idea who is receiving the email

EMC provides statistics of sent newsletters and reports the percentage of emails opened per mailshot, how many were sent, how many website click throughs were generated, and who clicked on what links and who actually opened the email. We even enable you to generate or export these addresses as a separate list so that you can target your users based on their click behaviour.

A hard bounce is an email message that has been returned to you because the recipient’s address is invalid. A hard bounce might occur because the domain name does not exist, the recipient is unknown, or there is a network problem on the recipient’s end.

A soft bounce is an email message that gets as far as the recipient’s mail server, but is bounced back before it reaches the recipient. One of the most common causes for a soft bounce is a full mailbox. This will happen A LOT with your subscribers who use free email services like Yahoo and Hotmail, because they allow for very little email storage.

No, when sending, each newsletter is addressed and sent individually. This is much more effective. When people see a single stock phrase in the “To” field of the received email, they usually associate it with SPAM.

Yes, we offer a range of personalization functions. You can address the emails to individuals, based on fields you set up in datasets managed in the Manage Subscriber Info area. You can also personalize the subject with a data field representing each individual recipient, such as their name.

Yes, scheduled sends are part of EMC functionality. They can be sent by hours and days, up to a year ahead.

The TO field has to contain an email address. If you want to add the recipient’s name, use our customise tool.

No, only scheduled emails can be cancelled. If an email is sent immediately then the sending cannot be cancelled. Make sure your email is correct before sending it.

Yes, you can have your messages provide social updates on your twitter,facebook and linkedin account when sending your messages. These can be sent instantly with the message or at a scheduled later time. You have to add social media icons manually, you can also add facebook “Likes’ to your messages to increase traffic and market visibility.

Yes, a download link to the file from your email will be almost the same thing as an attachment. It is also much more likely to get through corporate firewalls. In the editor position your cursor and then choose the Internal Link button (next to the table symbol). Upload your attachment to the Images folder – now select it in the list by clicking the ‘Select’. Enter your link text (e.g. Download it here) and click OK.

You can set up auto responder text that your clients receive when they subscribe to your email, and when they unsubscribe. (This service may not available Cloud package)

Once an email has sent, it cannot be cancelled. To eliminate this possibility (discovering a mistake or sending to the wrong list) send a Test email to yourself, and double check that the mailing list, subject line and content are correct.

This could mean that either our servers are busy, or you have a big file, and downloading could take longer.

No, EMC is a hosted application, like Hotmail. It is used online, by logging in with a username and password at dedicated and appropriate url


No set up charges for repeated customers. There is set-up charge for creating your EMC account and for the first time and depends on packages. If choose dedicated server for every month you will be charged setup charges for the first time.

Invoices are emailed at the beginning of each month based on the previous months transactions. You will be received invoice when you get email credits your account.

Invoices are emailed to the account holder at the beginning of each month based your payment made by using PayPal/Bitcoin. Once payment made you will receive invoice to your registered email id. Shortly our executive will call you for confirmation and will activate your account.

All kind email services will be billed as advance and we don’t recommend stage payment and all payment must paid 100% as advance as it is pay and get service.

For dedicated servers, If you have a problem with particular payment you must advise us at the earliest opportunity and we will work with your to resolve before disabling your account. If your account disabled, to activate again you have to pay setup charges as fresh account.

We will not provide refund for any unused services. We will refund your money, incase of any server problem or software problem from our side. As a top-notch service provider that takes our delivery rates very seriously, we also have the right to shut down your service at any time. A few reasons why we might do this include sending spam, adult material, material featuring drugs, or other items that violate our policy. If you abuse our system in any way, we will shut down your account and you will not receive a refund. We recommend that you read our terms of use before you start using Email Marketing Company services , just to make certain what you have planned is in-line with our company policies.

This Section will be available SOON

We Improve your online performance

Real time Stats

you can see exactly who opened your email and when. View the data as a visually appealing bar chart

Link Click tracking

See which links were clicked by who and when. Your sales team can follow up with leads.

Custom Reporting

You can view the open rate report for the last 7 days, last 30 days, last year or even a custom date range.

Spam Checking

Your email is analyzed for known spam keywords and the spam report for your email.